Advertising Manager

Code: 11-2011.00

Also known as: Account Executive, Advertising Manager (Ad Manager), Advertising Sales Manager (Ad Sales Manager), Classified Advertising Manager (Classified Ad Manager), Communications Director, Communications Manager, Creative Services Director, Marketing and Promotions Manager, Promotions Director, Promotions Manager

Description: In today's fast-paced digital marketplace, it's easy for a company's brand to get lost in media overload. How do you reach a consumer when their attention is being split between their television, tablet computer and cell phone? The Advertising Manager in keenly in-tune with a brand's target audience, strategizing best practices to generate interest in a company's brand and services.

Advertising Manager

Typical wages

10% $68,940
25% $91,910
Median $133,460
75% $181,800
90% $208,000
10% $33.14
25% $44.19
Median $64.16
75% $87.4
90% $100+

Projected employment

Estimated Employment
(2019 year)
Projected Employment
(2029 year)
Percent Change +0 %
Projected Annual Job Openings 2,500