Personal Financial Advisor
Code: 13-2052.00
Also known as: Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Financial Advisor, Financial Consultant, Financial Counselor, Financial Planner, Investment Adviser, Investment Advisor, Portfolio Manager, Wealth Advisor
Description: Personal Financial Advisors help individuals with taxes, investments, insurance and retirement decisions. They have at least a Bachelor's degree. Some go on to receive a Master's degree or professional certification to stay competitive.

Typical wages
10% | $44,100 |
25% | $59,450 |
Median | $89,330 |
75% | $157,020 |
90% | $208,000 |
10% | $21.2 |
25% | $28.58 |
Median | $42.95 |
75% | $75.49 |
90% | $100+ |
Projected employment
Estimated Employment (2019 year) |
263,000 |
Projected Employment (2029 year) |
274,600 |
Percent Change | +0 % |
Projected Annual Job Openings | 19,200 |