Professor of Home Economics

Code: 25-1192.00

Also known as: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Child Development Instructor, Dietetics Professor, Family and Consumer Sciences Professor (FCS Professor), Food and Nutrition Professor, Human Development Professor, Instructor, Lecturer, Professor

Description: Strong home values, good healthcare and personal enrichment are the backbone of a positive community. Home Economics Professors help to strengthen community bonds for generations to come by teaching courses related to home management. Most Home Economics Professors have a Master's degree. Depending on the level of study, some Home Economics Professors will also have a doctoral degree.

Professor of Home Economics

Typical wages

10% $35,540
25% $53,030
Median $72,220
75% $98,620
90% $134,420

Projected employment

Estimated Employment
(2019 year)
Projected Employment
(2029 year)
Percent Change +0 %
Projected Annual Job Openings 200