Instructional Coordinator
Code: 25-9031.00
Also known as: Curriculum Coordinator, Curriculum Director, Curriculum Specialist, Curriculum and Instruction Director, Education Specialist, Instructional Designer, Instructional Systems Specialist, Instructional Technologist, Learning Development Specialist, Program Administrator
Description: Develop instructional material, coordinate educational content, and incorporate current technology in specialized fields that provide guidelines to educators and instructors for developing curricula and conducting courses. Includes educational consultants and specialists, and instructional material directors.

Typical wages
10% | $39,270 |
25% | $51,720 |
Median | $66,970 |
75% | $86,100 |
90% | $105,650 |
10% | $18.88 |
25% | $24.86 |
Median | $32.2 |
75% | $41.39 |
90% | $50.79 |
Projected employment
Estimated Employment (2019 year) |
192,900 |
Projected Employment (2029 year) |
204,300 |
Percent Change | +0 % |
Projected Annual Job Openings | 17,700 |