Exercise Physiologist
Code: 29-1128.00
Also known as: Bariatric Weight Loss Counselor, Certified Exercise Physiologist (EPC), Clinical Exercise Physiologist, Clinical Exercise Specialist, Exercise Physiologist, Exercise Scientist, Exercise Specialist, Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant
Description: Assess, plan, or implement fitness programs that include exercise or physical activities such as those designed to improve cardiorespiratory function, body composition, muscular strength, muscular endurance, or flexibility.

Typical wages
10% | $36,070 |
25% | $42,550 |
Median | $50,280 |
75% | $62,600 |
90% | $78,170 |
10% | $17.34 |
25% | $20.45 |
Median | $24.17 |
75% | $30.09 |
90% | $37.58 |
Projected employment
Estimated Employment (2019 year) |
19,800 |
Projected Employment (2029 year) |
22,100 |
Percent Change | +0 % |
Projected Annual Job Openings | 1,400 |