Code: 39-4011.00
Also known as: Apprentice Embalmer, Assistant Manager/Embalmer, Associate Embalmer/Funeral Director, Chief Embalmer, Embalmer, Embalmer/Funeral Director, Funeral Director/Embalmer, Funeral Service Licensee, Licensed Embalmer
Description: Embalmers prepare bodies to for funeral services and for burial in concordance with legal regulations. While they may have an Associate's or Bachelor's degree, many Embalmers attend some form of vocational school and learn through on-the-job training.

Typical wages
10% | $27,930 |
25% | $37,490 |
Median | $47,630 |
75% | $59,460 |
90% | $75,190 |
10% | $13.43 |
25% | $18.02 |
Median | $22.9 |
75% | $28.58 |
90% | $36.15 |
Projected employment
Estimated Employment (2019 year) |
3,900 |
Projected Employment (2029 year) |
3,600 |
Percent Change | +0 % |
Projected Annual Job Openings | 500 |