Counter Clerk
Code: 41-2021.00
Also known as: Counter Clerk, Counter Service Representative, Leasing Consultant, Rental Agent, Rental Associate, Rental Clerk, Rental Counter Clerk, Rental Sales Representative, Rentals Assistant, Video Clerk
Description: Counter Clerks are employed in a variety of service related fields. They are in charge or receiving orders and interacting with clients who may have submitted orders electronically. They are often the first line of customer service in a brick and mortar business.

Typical wages
10% | $20,780 |
25% | $25,540 |
Median | $30,870 |
75% | $39,960 |
90% | $53,550 |
10% | $9.99 |
25% | $12.28 |
Median | $14.84 |
75% | $19.21 |
90% | $25.75 |
Projected employment
Estimated Employment (2019 year) |
420,400 |
Projected Employment (2029 year) |
424,900 |
Percent Change | +0 % |
Projected Annual Job Openings | 46,100 |