Claims Processor
Code: 43-9041.00
Also known as: Claim Processing Specialist, Claims Clerk, Claims Customer Service Representative (Claims CSR), Claims Processor, Claims Representative, Enrollment Representative, Insurance Analyst, Policy Service Coordinator, Policy Services Representative, Processing Clerk
Description: Claims Examiners review insurance claims, often related to medical and hospital procedures, and determine the amount to be paid out an insurance company or how much an individual owes.With natural and manmade disasters becoming more of a regular occurrence, insurance claim submissions are on the rise in the property sector as well. When an insurance claim is submitted, it is up to the Claims Processor to verify the validity of that claim. Adjusters cover a variety of industries. They investigate claims so that adequate settlements can be determined.

Typical wages
10% | $29,480 |
25% | $35,050 |
Median | $42,050 |
75% | $52,150 |
90% | $64,460 |
10% | $14.17 |
25% | $16.85 |
Median | $20.22 |
75% | $25.07 |
90% | $30.99 |
Projected employment
Estimated Employment (2019 year) |
293,900 |
Projected Employment (2029 year) |
287,300 |
Percent Change | +0 % |
Projected Annual Job Openings | 25,500 |